Tuesday, October 5, 2021

New Detailed Fizzy Challenge Section

Are you a Fizzy challenge fanatic filling the grid in new and creative ways?  Mygeocachingprofile.com has a new profile section just for you.  The "Fizzy Challenge Progress" section breaks down how many difficulty/terrain combinations you've found, but also shows how many you've found in each state, for each cache type, for each container type, and even for each attribute.  Have you filled the D/T grid using only Multi-Caches?  Or, how about using only caches with the Scenic View attribute?

Upload your latest My Finds PQ zip file to refresh your stats and see the new section on the Customize Profile page.  As always, email me if you have any questions or problems at contactus@mygeocachingprofile.com.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Re-Subscribe to Continue Getting Update Emails from MGP

If you'd like to continue receiving emails whenever there is a MyGeocachingProfile.com update, please re-subscribe and update your email address.  Our previous email service has been discontinued.

To re-subscribe, simply navigate to https://follow.it/mygeocachingprofile?action=followPub and enter your email address and click "Follow."  You'll only receive email notifying you of MyGeocachingProfile.com news and features.

Thank you!

Friday, April 30, 2021

Add Adventure Lab Caches to Your First to Find List

You can now add adventure lab caches to your FTF list on mygeocachingprofile.com!  As geocachers know, adventure lab caches are partially integrated into the traditional geocaching.com platform and many of you have asked for an option to indicate when you were the first to find a new adventure lab cache.  The "My Memorable Finds" section's "Log Your FTFs" feature now includes the ability to log an adventure lab cache as well as normal GC caches.  Just add the adventure lab cache to your list and the next time you upload your latest "My Finds" PQ, the adventure lab cache will be displayed on your FTF list.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or problems with the new feature by emailing me at contactus@mygeocachingprofile.com. Also, if you ever have suggestions for the site, email me!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Tennessee DeLorme Map Edition 9 Now Available!

The Tennessee DeLorme Challenge - Middle Tennessee Edition (GC4GWZA) map is now available.  This map joins the existing map for the GCZ313 TN DeLorme Challenge.  The previous map references Edition 7 of the DeLorme TN atlas while the new map references the 9th Edition. The map is now available on the Customize My Profile > US Map page!  As with all new profile sections, you must check the profile section to indicate you want it added to your profile, upload your My Finds PQ to create the map, and then do a fresh copy/paste of your profile HTML code to your geocaching.com profile if you want to display the new map there.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems with the new map by emailing me at contactus@mygeocachingprofile.com.  Also, if you ever have suggestions for the site, email me!