Friday, December 7, 2018

New Central America Map!

We now have a Central America map to track your journeys through Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama! This new section joins our other world maps on the Customize Profile page > Other Maps section.

As with all new sections, if you'd like the "Central American Countries I've Cached In" section to appear on your profile, remember to upload your My Finds PQ first to generate the latest images and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the Export Profile page over to your About field on your Settings page.

Please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Birthday Challenge Rule Update

The Birthday Challenge section shows the caches you've found on the same day/month they were originally placed, otherwise known as... the geocache's birthday!

Previously, finding a cache on the day it was born (the very first/same day it was placed) counted toward this challenge, but this has been changed so that you actually have to find the cache on one of its true birthdays - one year from being placed, two years from being placed, etc. This rule change is more in line with the intended challenge and was requested by users. Thanks!

As always, please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

¡Bienvenido Mexico!

Mexico joins our growing list of country maps on the Customize Profile > Other Maps page. The new map will track your progress caching through all 31 Mexican states and the "Distrito Federal" of Mexico City.

As with all new sections, if you'd like the "Mexican States I've Cache In" section to appear on your profile, remember to upload your My Finds PQ first to generate the latest images and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the Export Profile page over to your About field on your Settings page.

Please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

South America Added to Other Maps!

South America joins our growing list of continents, regions, and country maps on the Customize Profile > Other Maps page. You'll also notice an updated style for the World, Europe, and Caribbean maps including country flag icons next to the country names.

As with all new sections, if you'd like the "Caches I've Found in South America" section to appear on your profile, remember to upload your My Finds PQ first to generate the latest images and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the Export Profile page over to your About field on your Settings page.

Please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Have You Found a Lab Cache? Make Sure To Enter Them on!

Lab caches are an experimental cache type sometime found at Mega-Events. They count towards your total finds but currently are not included in your My Finds Pocket Query. That means won’t automatically know about them and might get your total find count wrong!

Fortunately, there’s a way to enter your lab caches on the site. Just go to the Customize Profile page > Additional Caching Information section and you’ll find a tool to enter your lab caches. All you have to do is pick the date you found one. You can enter the same date more than once if you found many on the same day. Then the next time you upload your My Finds PQ, your lab caches will automatically be included in your find stats including your milestones and most well rounded day stats.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Do Some of Your Cache Finds Show the Wrong Date?

Have you ever had a problem where showed the wrong find date for one of your caches? This can mess up GeoStreaks, Day of the Year challenges, and the Most Well-Rounded Day stat.

This problem can happen for two reasons:
  1. You haven’t set your timezone on the site. Set your timezone on the Customize Profile page in the General Settings section. Then upload your My Finds PQ again and see if it fixes the problem. The timezone is needed to convert the find dates/times in the My Finds PQ to the time where you live.
  2. Your My Find PQ file has the wrong date/time for a cache. Even after adjusting for your timezone, sometimes we’ve found My Finds PQs that have the wrong date for a cache! This is frustrating, BUT you can fix it easily. Just go to the cache page on, delete your original “Found It” log, and then create it again. The next time you download a My Finds PQ, the problem should be fixed.
If you ever have this problem and can’t figure out which cache is causing a problem, just email me at and I can help you! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Are You a Jasmer, Fizzy, or DeLorme Hunter?

If you’ve found a Jasmer, Fizzy, or DeLorme cache, you’ll be awarded a special GeoAchievement badge! However, it’s possible that I don’t know about the cache you found. If you’re not getting credit for one of these challenge caches, email me using the site’s contact form and I’ll add it to the master list right away. I actually rely on the community to give me a heads up about new Jasmers and Fizzys out in the wild.

Thank you so much to those adventurous cachers who help keep this list updated!

You can see the site’s full list of Fizzys here:



Geocaching Fizzy Grid with 81s

Monday, June 25, 2018

New Profile Section - Birthday Challenge! has a brand new profile section - My Birthday Challenge Progress! The new section shows how many caches you've found on the same day/month they were originally placed, otherwise known as... the geocache's birthday!  There is a 366 day grid you can try to fill (presented in either a vertical or horizontal format) and a list showing off your birthday finds.

As with all new profile sections, if you'd like the section to appear on your profile, remember to upload your My Finds PQ to generate the latest stats and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the "Export Profile" page over to your "Bio" profile settings.

As always, please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Caching Radius Section Expanded

The Caching Radius profile section presents statistics about how far your finds are from your home and from each other.  The section has been expanded to show more information about each cache and also the longest distance between two caches that you found on the same day!  You can also see how your straight line distance between all cache finds compares to the distance around the Earth and the distance to the moon!

As with all new sections, if you'd like the "Longest Distance Between Two Caches Found on the Same Day" section to appear on your profile, remember to upload your My Finds PQ first to generate the latest images and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your "About" field on your Settings page.

Please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Two New Additions - FTF Options and Newly Formatted "My Finds By Day of the Year" Chart

Two new additions are live on the site!

1)  The My Memorable Finds profile section has two new options for how you can display your First to Finds.  The first is a drop-down where you can choose how many of your FTFs you'd like to show in detail in your profile - all of them (up to 400), 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, or there is the option to only show the number of FTFs without details.  The second option allow you to decide whether you want to show your most recent FTFs or your oldest FTFs.  Some people want to celebrate their 10 original FTFs!  Some want to always see their most recent 25 FTFs!  Now everyone can customize their profile however they want.  As always, Contact Us if you have any problems, questions, or if you have ideas for more settings.

2)  Recently, the "My Finds By Day of the Year" section was changed so that the months extended horizontally across the top of the chart and the days extended vertically down the chart.  This allowed room for the find counts to be visible while still fitting into the narrow profile space.  Now, the "old" orientation (days across the top, months down the side) is also available!  The information is much smaller and may be further reduced by in the profile, but it's up to you if you want to show it off. 

This chart is a "new" profile section, so if you'd like it to appear on your profile, remember to check off the feature on the "Build My Profile" page, upload your My Finds PQ to generate the latest images, and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your "About" field on your Settings page.

Please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Two Changes - Badge Requirements and My Finds By Day of the Year Layout

Two new changes have been released to!

The first change adjusts how many webcam and virtual caches you need to find to qualify for a GeoAchievement badge.  Webcams are increasingly scarce as new webcam caches aren't allowed and old ones break down.  You'll now be rewarded a Webcam GeoAchievement Badge for the following accomplishments:

  • 1-Star - Awarded to cachers who have found at least 1 webcam cache.
  • 2-Star - Awarded to cachers who have found at least 3 webcam caches.
  • 3-Star - Awarded to cachers who have found at least 7 webcam caches.
  • 4-Star - Awarded to cachers who have found at least 15 webcam caches.
  • 5-Star - Awarded to cachers who have found at least 25 webcam caches.

The virtual badge requirements have also changed so they are more in line with the number of virtuals available.  The new requirements are as follows:

  • 1-Star - Awarded to cachers who have found at least 10 virtual caches.
  • 2-Star - Awarded to cachers who have found at least 25 virtual caches.
  • 3-Star - Awarded to cachers who have found at least 75 virtual caches.
  • 4-Star - Awarded to cachers who have found at least 125 virtual caches.
  • 5-Star - Awarded to cachers who have found at least 250 virtual caches.

The second change involves some aesthetic fine-tuning to the My Caching Chronology section.  Some font and positioning changes have been made to ensure that cachers with REALLY large find counts still have legible stats and charts.  The biggest change affects the My Finds By Day of Year chart which has been rotated so that the months go across the top of the table and the days are listed down the side.  This rotation helps us fit more information into the table while still keeping it narrow enough to show up nicely on the profile page.  Hopefully it makes the table easier to read.  Expect more fine-tuning to other sections in the near future.

As always, thank you for supporting the site and please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!