Tuesday, April 18, 2017

New Edition of Utah DeLorme Map Now Available!

The Utah DeLorme Atlas went through a significant reorganization in the past resulting in two very different versions of the atlas.  Editions 1 through 6 look very different from editions 7 and onward.  Mygeocachingprofile.com now has both versions of the map available.  Both are available on the Build My Profile > US Maps page.


As with all new profile sections, if you'd like the new Utah DeLorme map to appear on your geocaching.com profile, remember to upload your My Finds PQ first to generate the latest images and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your geocaching.com "Bio" profile settings.

As always, please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Over 70 New Fizzy and Jasmer Challenges Added to Site!

Fizzy and Jasmer caches are two of the most popular geocaching challenges. Mygeocachingprofile.com keeps a huge list of Fizzy and Jasmer caches and shows your challenge finds on the Fizzy and Jasmer GeoAchievement badges.  

We can't keep these lists up-to-date alone.  Our amazing community emails the GC codes of Fizzy and Jasmers as they are discovered or created out in the wild.  Recently, "dawnandgary" and "clubmud!" sent in over 70 new challenge codes for us to add to our lists!  If you're up for the challenge, check out these caches (labeled by state or country) using the following links.  And if you know about a Fizzy or Jasmer not on the list, email us (contactus@mygeocachingprofile.com) and let us know!

Fizzy Challenge Caches:

Jasmer Challenge Caches: