Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Two New Caching Radius Maps

How far from home have you traveled to find a geocache?  The Caching Radius section helps visualize this data and also shows statistics such as how far north, south, east, and west you've traveled, the total distance traveled between all your caches, and the average distance you travel find a cache!  Now, there are two maps to help further illuminate these stats - one showing your most northerly, southerly, westerly, and easterly finds and another showing your nearest and farthest finds.

As with all new sections and maps, if you'd like these two maps to appear on your profile, remember to upload your My Finds PQ first to generate the latest images and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your "About" field on your Settings page.

Please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

New Caribbean Map

A zoomed in map of the Caribbean is now available on the site!  Check out this map on the "Build My Profile - Other Maps" page and decide whether you want to include it in your profile or not.   

As with all new sections, if you'd like the new Caribbean map to appear on your profile, remember to upload your My Finds PQ first to generate the latest images and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your "About" field on your Settings page.

Please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Welcome Switzerland!

A map of Swiss regions (as listed in's country/region listings) is now available on the site!  Check out this map on the "Build My Profile - Other Maps" page and decide whether you want to include it in your profile or not. 

As with all new sections, if you'd like the new Switzerland map to appear on your profile, remember to upload your My Finds PQ first to generate the latest images and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your "Bio" profile settings.

Please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Bienvenue France and Welkom Belgium!

Region and province maps for France and Belgium are now available on the site!  Check out these maps on the "Build My Profile - Other Maps" page and decide whether you want to include them in your profile or  not.

As with all new sections, if you'd like the new France or Belgium map to appear on your profile, remember to upload your My Finds PQ first to generate the latest images and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your "Bio" profile settings.

Please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

New Edition of Utah DeLorme Map Now Available!

The Utah DeLorme Atlas went through a significant reorganization in the past resulting in two very different versions of the atlas.  Editions 1 through 6 look very different from editions 7 and onward. now has both versions of the map available.  Both are available on the Build My Profile > US Maps page.


As with all new profile sections, if you'd like the new Utah DeLorme map to appear on your profile, remember to upload your My Finds PQ first to generate the latest images and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your "Bio" profile settings.

As always, please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Over 70 New Fizzy and Jasmer Challenges Added to Site!

Fizzy and Jasmer caches are two of the most popular geocaching challenges. keeps a huge list of Fizzy and Jasmer caches and shows your challenge finds on the Fizzy and Jasmer GeoAchievement badges.  

We can't keep these lists up-to-date alone.  Our amazing community emails the GC codes of Fizzy and Jasmers as they are discovered or created out in the wild.  Recently, "dawnandgary" and "clubmud!" sent in over 70 new challenge codes for us to add to our lists!  If you're up for the challenge, check out these caches (labeled by state or country) using the following links.  And if you know about a Fizzy or Jasmer not on the list, email us ( and let us know!

Fizzy Challenge Caches:

Jasmer Challenge Caches:

Friday, March 31, 2017

Minor Updates - Attributes and TX DeLorme

Two quick changes to the site - The rare reappearing disappearing "Partnership Cache" attribute will no longer count as a requirement for the Attribute GeoAcheivement badge.  You can still find it in the "Cache Attributes I've Found" profile section.

Also, the Texas DeLorme challenge now correctly counts Virtual caches.  The challenge cache, GC2WBQZ Lone Star State DeLorme Challenge, says you neead to find caches with "real containers" but the owner has confirmed that virtuals are allowed.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Minor Updates - Attributes and Custom Titles

A couple minor updates to the website:
  • The attributes profile section now includes both "Cacti Present" and "Lost and Found Tour" attributes, however these attributes won't be included in the calculations to determine what level Attribute GeoAchievement badge you earn.  The cactus attribute is no longer present in the system, but it is still included in several older caches.  The Lost and Found Tour attribute is very rare and is only connected to archived 10 year event celebrations.
  • The "My Fizzy (Well Rounded Cacher) Challenge," "Alphanumeric Cacher Challenge," and "Alphanumeric Cache Name Challenge" now allow you to enter longer names when you are customizing a challenge from the Extras page.
Thanks!  Please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions.  We answer every email and Facebook post!

Monday, March 6, 2017

What Day Did You Cache in the Most Countries or US States?

The "Most Well Rounded Day" section already shows which days you found the largest variety of cache types, container types, and difficulty/terrain combinations.  It now also shows which days you cached in the most countries and US states.  Are you especially proud of a one-day cross Europe caching streak?  Or, maybe you hopped in the car and drove cross-country on an epic caching run.  Show off these special days in your profile!

As with all new profile sections, if you'd like the section to appear on your profile, remember to upload your My Finds PQ to generate the latest stats and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your "Bio" profile settings.

And, please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions.  We answer every email and Facebook post!

OK, admittedly not the most impressive well rounded country day...I'll work on it :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

15 New GeoAchievement Badges! has 15 new GeoAchievement Badges!  There are now badges for caching on every day of the year, maintaining a long geostreak of caching every day, finding lots of caches in a single day, scoring FTFs, finding 5/5 caches, encountering a variety of cache attributes, and finding certain numbers of mystery, multi, virtual, letterbox, earthcache, webcam, CITO, event, and Wherigo caches.

As with all new profile sections, if you'd like your new badges to appear on your profile, remember to upload your My Finds PQ first to generate the latest images and then do a one time copy/paste of all your profile HTML from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your "Bio" profile settings.

You can read more information about these badges and their requirements on the Help page.  As always, please Contact Us with any questions, problems, or suggestions!