Monday, December 24, 2012

New Profile Section - My MS DeLorme Progress

We've just added a new profile section - "My MS DeLorme Progress" which maps your progress on GCTA92 - Mississippi DeLorme Challenge.  As with any brand new section, if you'd like to start displaying it on your profile, you'll need to re-copy/paste your profile's HTML code from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your profile.

If you have any questions or problems with the new feature - Contact Us or visit our Help page.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Improved Chronology Section

A couple improvements have been made to the Chronology section.  Your monthly find rate and largest monthly find count (AKA Monthly GeoFrenzy!) are now listed.  Also, the Finds Per Month and Cumulative Finds Per Month graphs have been tweaked so they no longer use a third party graphing program.  To see the new stats in your profile, just upload a fresh My Finds PQ to  We hope you enjoy seeing the new statistics!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New Date Format Options is used world-wide, and we understand that many users would like to see their dates displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy format instead of mm/dd/yyyy.  This is now an option.  On the Build My Profile page there is now a date format option under the General Settings section.

Select your preferred date format and then re-upload your latest My Finds PQ to see the new date format reflected in your profile images.  Please Contact Us if you have any questions or problems with this new feature.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

New Profile Section - Finds By Placed Date Challenge

We've just added a new profile section - The "Finds By Placed Date Challenge." This challenge requires cachers to find caches placed on each day of the year. You'll have to find a cache placed on January 1st, January 2nd, January 3rd, etc. The profile section draws a calendar of the entire year and marks off which days you've found so you can track your progress on the challenge. There are several Finds By Placed Date Challenge caches including North Carolina's GC2ND7C Finds by Placed Date Challenge Cache.


The new section can be viewed on the Build My Profile page.  As with any brand new section, if you'd like to start displaying it on your profile, you'll need to re-copy/paste your profile's HTML code from the Preview and Export Profile page over to your profile.

If you have any questions or problems with the new feature - Contact Us or visit our Help page.

Friday, November 2, 2012

New Profile Section - My IL DeLorme Progress

We've just added a new profile section - "My IL DeLorme Progress" which maps your progress on GCREG1 - The Illinois DeLorme Challenge.  As with any brand new section, if you'd like to start displaying it on your profile, you'll need to re-copy/paste your profile's HTML code from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your profile.

If you have any questions or problems with the new feature - Contact Us or visit our Help page.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

New Profile Section - My KS DeLorme Progress

We've just added a new profile section - "My KS DeLorme Progress" which maps your progress on GCQ0XH - The Kansas Delorme Challenge.  As with any brand new section, if you'd like to start displaying it on your profile, you'll need to re-copy/paste your profile's HTML code from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your profile.

If you have any questions or problems with the new feature - Contact Us or visit our Help page.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

New Profile Section - My IN DeLorme Progress

We've just added a new profile section - "My IN DeLorme Progress" which maps your progress on GC14PRK - Indiana Delorme Challenge.  As with any brand new section, if you'd like to start displaying it on your profile, you'll need to re-copy/paste your profile's HTML code from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your profile.

If you have any questions or problems with the new feature - Contact Us or visit our Help page.

Friday, September 7, 2012

New Profile Section - My WV DeLorme Progress

We've just added a new profile section - "My WV DeLorme Progress" which maps your progress on GCT147 - West Virginia DeLorme Challenge.  As with any brand new section, if you'd like to start displaying it on your profile, you'll need to re-copy/paste your profile's HTML code from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your profile.

If you have any questions or problems with the new feature - Contact Us or visit our Help page.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Profile Section - My UT DeLorme Progress

We've just added a new profile section - "My UT DeLorme Progress" which maps your progress on GCYXXZ - Utah DeLorme Challenge.  As with any brand new section, if you'd like to start displaying it on your profile, you'll need to re-copy/paste your profile's HTML code from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your profile.

If you have any questions or problems with the new feature - Contact Us or visit our Help page.

Monday, July 30, 2012

New Profile Section - My WI DeLorme Progress

We've just added a new profile section - "My WI DeLorme Progress" which maps your progress on GC2C21G - The Wisconsin DeLORME Challenge Part Deux.  As with any brand new section, if you'd like to start displaying it on your profile, you'll need to re-copy/paste your profile's HTML code from the "Preview and Export Profile" page over to your profile.

If you have any questions or problems with the new feature - Contact Us or visit our Help page.

Friday, July 27, 2012

All Users Must Upload My Finds PQ and Export Profile HTML Within One Month

As noted in past updates, we've been making a number of behind the scenes changes to increase the stability of the website and give it space to grow.  The latest change requires that all users upload their My Finds PQ and then copy/paste their profile HTML code from the "Preview and Export HTML" page into their profiles.  This will need to be done sometime within the next month.  Note, if you don't display your statistics on your profile page, you don't need to do this copy/paste.  You'll probably be familiar with these steps if you use, but if you have any questions, please email us at  After one month, any users who have not done this will simply not be able to see their profile images from their profiles until they go ahead and copy over the updated code.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tweaks and Bug Fixes

As we continue to work on some behind the scene changes to improve the stability of the site, a few other tweaks and bug fixes have been added:
  • Cacher Rankings Addition
    By popular demand, we've added a cacher ranking option to rank cachers based on how many times they've fully filled in their Fizzy grid (all the difficulty and terrain combos.)  The Cacher Rankings page can be found in the Extras section.
  • NV DeLorme Fix
    The Nevada DeLorme challenge is unique in that you can find a cache outside of the page boundaries in the small page overlap area and then that cache can be counted towards either the page with the overlap or the actual page it legitimately falls on.  The NV DeLorme profile section now takes this rule into account.
  • Better Formatting For Big Cachers
    As dedicated cachers find more and more hides, large cache totals were starting to stretch some of the profile images in unflattering ways.  We've made some tweaks to the images to allow for larger cache totals.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Site Will Be Down From Saturday 6/9 through Monday 6/11 for Maintenance will be down from mid-day Saturday June 9th (EST) through Monday June 11th for maintenance.  The site is being migrated to a new web host where we'll have more room to grow and add new users!  During this time, you won't be able to log into the site and update your statistics, but you'll still be able to see your profile images if you have them displayed in your profile.  Thanks as always for everyone's patience with these upgrades!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

MGP's Fizzy, Jasmer, and DeLorme "Master" Lists Are Now Public

The GeoAchievement Badge profile section awards badges to cachers who have found multiple Fizzy Well-Rounded, DeLorme, or Jasmer challenge caches.  Our "master" lists of these challenges are now public on  If you're interested in these caches, please browse the lists and let us know about any caches that we're missing.  Links to these lists are also available on the Help page under the GeoAchievement Badge section.

Monday, March 5, 2012

New AlphaNumeric Challenge Options!

Fans of AlphaNumeric Caching Challenges rejoice!  The current profile section for the AlphaNumeric Cacher Challenge has been expanded and now has its own Extras page where you can customize the specific challenge you're working on.  You can now decide whether special characters should be ignored, restrict finds to a specific state, exclude certain caches from the challenge, and more.

Also, we've added an entirely new section for the AlphaNumeric Cache Name Challenge.  This challenge requires that you find caches which have names starting with each number 0 through 9 and each letter A through Z.  It also has its own Extras page where you can customize details about how the challenge should work.

In addition, we've added a number of new Fizzy Well Rounded and Jasmer challenge caches to our "master" list.  If you've found any of these caches, you'll now be given credit on your Fizzy and Jasmer GeoAchievement badges.

If you have any questions or problems with these new features - Contact Us!

Friday, January 20, 2012

New Profile Section - My CO DeLorme Progress

As Groundspeak works on migrating statistics over to, we'll still be releasing some new features here on Some of these will eventually be moved to as well!

Our latest addition is the "My CO DeLorme Progress" section which maps your progress on GCWXFK - Colorado DeLorme Challenge.

If you have any questions or problems with the new feature - Contact Us!